Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Marsh Family Christmas

Here is a photo from the annual Jan. 1 Marsh family Christmas. We went over to Casa de Marsh in Colton yesterday evening and had another present opening, this time for Violet and her second cousin Kyla. Cindy is sitting next to her cousin Lisa, who is holding Lilly, and Lisa's husband Luis.

You can tell Luis is confused about something in the box he is holding.

My goal during the Marsh family Christmas was to take as many photos as possible with my flash blinding people. Cindy, at one point, offered to put my flash in a very uncomfortable place, unless I stopped taking pictures.

Overall it was a fun night, even though I took a 90 minute nap before the event and felt, well, dead.

Yes, you get two posts today, simply because I am home and trying to get back into writing.

Is anyone reading this? If so, just say "yes" in an e-mail to

I will probably continue to update this daily, as I am sure family folks want to see Violet and Lilly.


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