Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Latest stories for Silverton and Stayton

Here are some stories I did this week. As I find the time I will link more of my news work. The papers do archive the stories online and then you have to pay for access so they will drop off the net in about a month.

Edna Rickman Woman of the Year -- Stayton

Ron Lierman Man of the Year -- Stayton

After my dad's incident last month with the ambulance ride, I think this is an important program for anyone who has health issues. I know when the EMTs were asking me questions about my dad, I had no clue what medications he was taking. So I found out that Silverton is starting a Vial of Life program and thought it would be good to write an article about it.

Vial of Life comes to Silverton

I also took the photos for these articles, just FYI.

Oh and if you want to do your own free Vial of Life but don't know who to contact in your community, go here and print out the form. Keep it in your purse of wallet -- I know I am going to fill out one for my dad. :)

Vial of Life national Web site.

Stay safe,


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