This morning as we were getting ready for our day -- Violet off to school, Cindy to work, and Lilly and I to hang out and do laundry -- the girls were sharing the same chair at the breakfast nook. Of course NOW, just 12 hours later, are all wanting their pictures taken.
I didn't dare put them in front of the Christmas tree, because then there would have been a meltdown again. I just know it.
I may take some time today and Photoshop them in front of the Christmas tree... now there is an idea!
Today is nice because it's just Lilly and I hanging out. I didn't take any freelance for the rest of the year, so I'm going to be helping when my boss goes on vacation next week. I am also trying to line up a bunch of stories so I can take some time off around Christmas and the New Year. Cindy is taking two weeks, I think, so I want to spend some time with the family.
Thursday is my 14th wedding anniversary and we are considering doing a date night Friday. Of course there is a Parent Teacher Organization meeting that Cindy needs to attend Thursday night.
Well, off to chase Lilly today!
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