Friday, July 06, 2007

More community news

Well it looks like next week I am going to have an interview for a job in Stayton. By no means is it the biggest paper I have ever worked at, but I like the community and it will be nice to do some more journalism.

This means my other freelancing assignments would go away, and I would have a regular schedule. This might be tricky with a second child on the way, but I really miss journalism and would love to get back into it. They have said they are willing to work with my schedule, so we will see.

Anyway, for this week I had a couple of stories (which due to the holiday were delayed on being posted online).

Riding program helps local students

Riding program helps local racer

(Yes I am a big softy and wrote two versions of an article I was supposed to write one version of. The place was just so cool!)

Stayton gets ready for the fourth!

Local pastor loves riding motorcycle

Have a great weekend and I hope you had a fun Fourth of July!

(Mine was spent at a parade -- I might share some photos later next week)

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